Coming in February 20, 2016 (Saturday)
Salsa Mastery Boot Camp - "Musicality for Beginners & Beginner-Intermediate Dancers !!!" - By Sean and Alana

Bootcamp Module 1 - Foundation
10:30 am - 12 noon Basics Review
Basics Review - Basic footwork and turn patterns involving crossbody lead/follow, underarm turns, lady's walk, back spot turns. (For Beginner/Advanced Beginners)
Bootcamp Module 2 - Musicality & Styling 101
12 - 1:30 pm Musical dancing for beginners; putting together easy, and fun shines; lady's arm styling, both men and women's essential styling with underarm turn & crossbody turn patterns
1:30 - 3 pm Use of stops and transitional moves for musicality & playing - turn patterns - crossbody, underarm turn, lady's walk, back spot turn combos
Bootcamp Module 3 - How To Build Musicality In Popular Turn Patterns
3- 4:30 pm What is slow and fast moves. How to mix up slow and fast moves. Use of slow-fast-stop motions. Use of shadow positions & dips; lady's shine with man's hand support.
4:30 - 6 pm Transition after stops - use of body in smooth styling - bodyroll, under and over, playing with arms, arm and body styling for snap outs and baskets; more interestng and fun body movement and styling
price = $80.00 for all 5 classes in advance online
Day of class: $100.00 for all 5 classes (or $25 per class a la carte)
Location: Dance With Me Dance Studio
Evening: Practice & Party
9 pm: DJ music and dancing* - salsa, bachata, merengue, kizomba
Place : TBD
Please join Salsa Passion Cleve-Pitt Community on Facebook to be informed of salsa events in and around Greater Cleveland area.